Quarterly Meeting in the Summertime

On Sunday, August 15th, Bucks Quarter Friends once again gathered virtually on a picture-perfect summer’s day for enlightening programming, fellowship and business. 

The day began with Kate Whitman Kamara’s presentation on Compassionate Listening, where she gave a brief overview of the process, and then had Friends go into breakout rooms to practice. Friends left the program wanting to explore this listening technique further; for more information go to www.compassionatelistening.org. Kate’s powerpoint and a recording of her presentation should be available in the near future.

After a brief screen break, Friends re-gathered for Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business. Annual reports were presented by five meetings; those documents may be accessed here.

Friends began discussing the recommendation of the Membership and Belonging Sprint concerning at-large membership. Unity was not achieved with regard to establishing a Quarter-level membership; discernment will continue at our Quarterly Meeting on November 21, which will be under the care of Yardley Meeting.


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