Bucks Quarter Friends Gather Virtually for Quarterly Meeting

Bucks Quarter Friends held their Quarterly Meeting virtually on Sunday, February 21. Under the care of Solebury Friends Meeting, the morning began with fellowship and coffee as people joined the Zoom meeting. Marian Hepburn, clerk of Solebury Meeting, greeted Friends and then introduced the speaker, Solebury member Cynthia Baum-Baicker, Ph.D., who presented a program entitled Building Resilience As Best We Can. Over 100 Friends enjoyed Cynthia’s presentation and the accompanying PowerPoint that can be accessed by clicking here.

Friends then settled into worship, which was followed by lunch in breakout rooms. Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business included annual reports from Makefield, Doylestown and Quakertown meetings, all reporting to be adjusting and thriving during this pandemic. Other meetings had the opportunity to share how they are thriving: Buckingham Friends has been holding Wednesday night zoom meetings on racial equity-focused Quaker Speak videos. Solebury Friends have a member who will soon turn 100 years old, and Young Friends are interested in interviewing her about her life. Fallsington Meeting has been sharing music and Meeting for Healing over Zoom, and Lehigh Valley Meeting held a community-wide scavenger hunt – virtually.

Friends discussed budgets, outreach, and moving forward with our continuing discussion on Eldership.  We also welcomed Terry Christensen as our new Recording Clerk.

Mark your calendars for the next Quarterly Meeting which will be held under the care of Southampton Friends Meeting on May 16, 2021.


Quarterly Meeting Memories


Remembering Ann Shorey Bishop