Meeting Updates – Makefield Friends Meeting

“We take our silence seriously at Makefield Meeting. There is great life in silence.”

Makefield Friends Meeting meets in person, inside!  Yes, with social distancing, masks, and open windows. We also offer a Zoom option for those who would like to join us that way. We find the communal worship experience to be so vital to our little faith community that we are continuing the practice as long as possible. We can do this because we have a large meetinghouse and at present a small group of active worshippers. Of course our doors are are open – literally – to any and all who would like to join us, taking precautions.

We have forgone the traditional handshake at the rise of meeting. Now we end silent worship with someone gently saying “Good morning Friends.” Then we bow our heads, make eye contact, give the namaste greeting, or simply say “good morning” to one another. We are sure each of us greets everyone.

The vitality of shared worship is at the core of the experience on a Sunday morning at Makefield.  It is a deep, usually quiet, peaceful time of expectancy. In our own ways we silently worship and await the message intended for us from above.

The life of the meeting for worship is the electricity that travels from one to another, connecting us all. I have even felt in touch with those who worshipped in the space before me and those who will come after. I have left my energy in the room. We all have; by the act of worship, communal worship,  shared energy, shared love.

After worship a lively discussion ensues as we share our weekly sentiment reading and afterthoughts.  Makefield has a Sentiment Board which hangs above the facing benches to one side. We voluntarily take turns writing a short quote, poem, bible verse, original work or question on this special chalk board. We read it aloud together at the rise of meeting and comment before afterthoughts.

Afterthoughts has become an important spark for sharing as part of our worship experience. We generally share observations about the worship we just had or an inspiration we may have had that didn’t feel quite like a message for sharing during silent worship.

 We take our silence seriously at Makefield Friends Meeting.  It is a good thing.  There is great life in silence. It lets the energy flow to be felt and the vitality of it to be shared!


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