Middletown Meeting’s Annual Auction Goes on Despite the Pandemic

While we all missed the warm fellowship of our traditional auction-night potluck supper, the auction itself went on in true 2020 style – online! The auction serves as the sole fundraiser for Middletown’s Ministry & Nurture Committee, which uses the proceeds to meet unbudgeted requests throughout the year, and those needs have only increased during the coronavirus pandemic. Skipping it this year was not an option.

Committee members didn’t feel comfortable using the available online auction software so we came up with our own system—an auction “catalogue” featuring photos and descriptions of all 114 of the donated items that was updated and sent out twice a week via email. We had some wonderful items to bid on this year, including many hand-crafted by our young Friends— two original oil paintings, hand-sewn catnip mice, a tie-dyed shirt and tote bag, and 4 hours of yard work. The highest bid went for a beautiful hand-made quilt, “Save the Bees,” designed and quilted by Pat Mervine.

Thanks to the generosity of the bidders and donors, the 2020 online version exceeded all expectations. We raised significantly more than previous years and more people, including Friends from the Quarter and members of the Langhorne community, were able to participate. Our Zoom grand finale on November 6 when the winning bids were announced was “attended” by local Friends as well as those in Maine, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, and Pittsburgh! The committee’s first use of the funds raised will be a $250 donation to the Camp Onas scholarship fund from the sale of 50 face masks sewn and donated to the auction by Nancy Pickering.

The auction and potluck supper has been one of the highlights on Middletown’s social calendar for decades. While we all hope that by next Fall we’ll be able to safely gather in person, there’s already talk of doing a hybrid version after the excitement that this year’s virtual auction generated.


Time to Listen


Meeting Updates – Makefield Friends Meeting