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Spiritual Formation Weekend Retreat

  • Pendle Hill 338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, PA, 19086 United States (map)

The Spiritual Formation Collaborative of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting is holding its annual weekend retreat at Pendle Hill from Friday October 14 to Sunday October 16, 2022.

This year's retreat will center on Spiritual Companionship, a fundamental practice among Quakers and other faith traditions which strengthens anyone facing human tragedy and those who work for peaceful and just societies. The format is a simple - groups meet regularly every 1-3 weeks with 2-4 people, dividing the time equally to seek and document insights and practices to shape and guide our lives.

This practice-based retreat is for people who are actively digging deeper to experiment with the Spirit in their lives and be changed. Companion Groups do not transform us; they support us when we allow ourselves to be transformed by the Spirit. 

Curious about the Spiritual Formation Collaborative? Click the video link below for a quick overview:

There is a fee for this program; registration is requested by August 30. Click here to register. For questions or more information, contact you can contact Susan Thompson at 267-847-6396 or email; please put put “Spiritual Formation” in the subject line.

October 14

Chandler Hall Auxiliary Fundraiser

October 15

Chandler Hall Auxiliary Fundraiser