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Quakerism 2.0 The Meeting for Worship Experience

  • Fallsington Friends Meeting 9300 New Falls Road Levittown, PA, 19054 United States (map)

Fallsington Friends Meetinghouse

Fallsington Friends Meeting will host a free workshop to learn more about Quaker Meeting for Worship, Saturday, September 16 from 10:00AM -12:30PM. Their presenter/facilitator will be Rebecca Mays, and the primary resource will be Pendle Hill pamphlet #306, Four Doors to Meeting for Worship by William Taber. Falls Meeting will provide free copies of the pamphlet for all registrants.

Jonathan & Melanie at the February workshop

This program expands on “Quakerism in a Nutshell” held last February. But, everyone, Quaker or other, is invited, whether or not you attended in February. This session will take a deeper dive into how Quakers practice their faith through silent Meeting for Worship. Join us for an interactive program that considers how a Meeting for Worship is conducted, how people prepare to attend a service and an overview of what to expect when you first attend a silent Meeting. We welcome all to visit and join us for a regular Sunday Meeting for Worship!

This will be a hybrid workshop offering both an in person and virtual Zoom option. A Zoom link will be included with the confirmation of your registration. There is no charge for the program. There will be light refreshments and opportunities for conversation before and after the program.

We request registration only to help our planning. To register please send a note that you plan to attend the program to, or contact Laura Thomforde at 267-229-1765 for additional information.

September 14

BQ Oversight Committee Meeting

September 17

Southampton Meeting Vigil for Justice